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Monday, October 16, 2006

History of DBMS

Before the birth of DBMS, there were many types of Data Management System. Out of the different Data Management Systems the best one was the File Based Management System. But it was lacking flexibility. So users wanted a data management system which would be much flexible. This is where the DBMS took birth. Again in DBMS also, there were different types of DBMSs. The first prominent one was Hierarchical DBMS whose concept was entities in the organization always follow a hierchical relationship. But it lost flexibility when the no of layers in the hierarchy became high and interaction was needed across hierarchical layers. The next one was the network dbms which was flexible and it had multiple entry points. But the only problem with this type of DBMS was the relationship between layers had to be implemented by embeded pointers and indexes which would have needed lots of resources. So a more flexible system was needed and the answer to this need was RDBMS where the relationship was implemented only by matching values between the parent table(s) and the child table(s).


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